If one week could transform your life for good, would you invest in it?

Caring entreprenuers who are tired of "trying"
and still not achieving the level of success they deserve...

The greatest opportunity of a lifetime AWAITS YOU!

Your life will dramatically change in 12 months!

Hello, Dear Friends,

We know there are no accidents and that the Laws of Quantum Physics, the Laws of the Universe--and the Laws of God—put all the puzzle pieces together bringing the right people, at the right time, at the right place, for the right reasons to bring to pass those strengths necessary that will absolutely benefit God’s children the most.

For a very important reason you have been pointed in our direction. You are here now to assess who we are, what we stand for, where we are going, what we have to offer you. Please vet us. Discover where we are headed as a company. And in this process you will know in your heart what is best for you; and in our life coach training and certification, you will RE-discover who you are, what you stand for, and where you are going. A remarkable journey awaits you. Your life is about to change dramatically... so buckle up.

We take your trust in us very seriously. We are walking on sacred ground when we walk with you. Guiding and coaching people is serious business; and if you are accepted into our program, we will handle our guidance and coaching of you with a respect unmatched. You are a priority. You will be given the best of us, as we expect the best of you. We consider it a privilege to share your time, your dreams, goals, and desires.

Life coaches, in a way, partner with God to mold, nourish, uplift, encourage, guide, and direct people to rise above self-sabotaging behaviors to become all they can be. This is a heavy but very important responsibility, when coupled with your clients’ traumas, failures, dreams, goals, and desires.

Please know we are very selective in our admissions to this program. And we keep our certification classes small (space is very limited), so we have an intimate opportunity to truly get to know you and work with you personally. It is our utmost desire to help you become an outstanding world-class Personal Response-Ability Coach™. We sincerely hope that if you are accepted in our program, you will walk into this exciting opportunity of launching your own lucrative, important, and rewarding coaching business knowing that you will be inviting others to walk with you on very sacred ground.

The privilege of guiding hurting and broken people has no equal—and as a life coach, we pray you will handle this responsibility with a reverence unmatched, and an awareness that what you do, what you say, and how you guide your clients could literally mean (in some cases), life or death.

You have recognized you have special talents. People are drawn to you because of your light, and how you serve them to help them become. You are needed. You are important. And as you sincerely seek for guidance, God will place you where your special gifts and talents will do the most good.

We hope and pray you will begin this magnificent voyage with us, and when your boat finally docks in harbor, you will have the tools, the skills, and principles needed to help others become their best selves… as you become yours in this lucrative, life-giving field of dreams come true! Shoot high, dear one. Don't settle for less than your best--reach for more than success! LIVE A LIFE OF SIGNIFICANCE!


Renée and Jesse

"Life coaching is the second fastest-growing industry in the US."

A Message from Rene'e

What our coached clients say about the


"Such a blessed journey of personal development!"

- Lila L.

"I found freedom! I now have a life of value!"

- Breana C.

"I finally found my purpose!"

- Cat K.

"I gained valueable knowledge, skill and tools!"

- Abdullah Z.

It's your time!

Start working for your dream!

  • Do what you were born to do!

  • Live your life on purpose with purpose!

  • Use your talents to:

    • Coach

    • Teach

    • Lift

    • Nourish

    • Buoy

    • Motivate

    • Inspire!

You are here to finally live your purpose!

So... Life coaching.. huh?

You are here because you work a 9 to 5 job that offers no fulfillment, no significance, no sense of accomplishment, and you truly want to make a difference in the time you have left.

You are here because you live a life unappreciated, un-noticed, and you feel empty and stagnant.

You are here because you want to build a life of significance, rewarded financially and temporally--finally in control of your abundant tomorrows.

You are here to build a legacy of success serving others.

You are here to mentor, motivate, and help others to become their best selves while you become yours.

You are here because you have a vision of teaching, inspiring, and guiding people that have been broken by life to become whole again.

You are here because you are ready to make a career out of helping others rise up.

You are here to finally live your life purpose!

You are here to have control over what you make and how you make it.

You are here to turn your passion into purpose, your past pain into gain, and your experience into expertise.

You are here to serve humanity with your pure intent to lift, teach, and facilitate.

You are here to ignite and transform the lives of those who have stepped into the arena determined to change and climb the ladder of success.

You are here to become all you are meant to be as you help others do the same.


You are here to finally catapult your life and living to the next level.

You are here to create a lucrative career that takes you to beautiful vistas and surreal mountain tops.

You are here to be a world-class coach where service is synonymous with significance.

You are here to rise up and finally DO what God intended you to do! To help HIM help His children become their best selves! To lend the best of you to help them find the best in them! To help them rise from their ashes so THEY can to reach up--to reach out to others! To build the cycle of hope, help, and healing FOR those who have given up and think they can't.


You are here because someone out there needs YOU!

You will become more than a "life coach"

You will become a lifeline.

  • TEACH how to respond more productively to life's challenges and adversity.

  • MAKE a difference in all six areas of life!

  • ​​BUILD a Life of Significance, leaving a legacy of service, purpose, and passion!

  • ​​COACH others to thrive--to BE better--rather than just feeling better!

  • INTERWEAVE your other coaching modalities into your coaching strategy, using the GB2B/BA Manual as a platform for thoroughness.

  • MENTOR, MOTIVATE, AND HELP clients to be stronger, wiser, more resilient, more courageous, and much more confident than ever before!

  • LAUNCH a lucrative, rewarding, successful coaching business --finally being paid what you are worth!

Kellie Turley, PRAC Educator

Enroll in our next

PRAC training and certification class

A PRAC teaches clients to respond productively to challenges

PRACs help clients go from victims to VICTORS. With your help, clients walk through the spiritually-grounded, whole-person Coach/Client customizable #1 International Bestselling "GO Broken to Beautiful Manual: What to Do When Life Leaves You Broken," and accompanying video Course. The Manual acts as a "roadmap" for you, the coach, and as a hands-on workbook for your client. Coaches interweave their other modalities into the strategy, and with the Manual, all bases are covered; nothing is overlooked.

CLIENTS learn quantum thought tools, principles, and skills they will use for the rest of their lives. They will learn to STOP their negative thoughts that take them down into depression, stress and anxiety; they will learn good life skills and habits, realizing success in all six areas of life. Clients have life-time access to the GO Broken to Beautiful or GO Broken to Badass Course: videos, quizzes, self-assessments, graphs, tools, pdfs, and digital Manual, as does the PRAC.

The GO Broken to Beautiful Manual is now a

#1 International Bestseller

and holds the secrets to catapult you:

  • From Survival

  • To Stability

  • To Success

  • To Significance


  • ROADMAP for you as the Coach (a comprehensive customizable curriculum), addressing all areas of life.

  • WORKBOOK for your Client; the tools and principles are at his fingertips; easy to do homework, write in his journal, keep track of your instructions, do the quizzes after every lesson.

The #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING MANUAL acts as your lesson workbook.

What our PRACs are saying

about NVC's PRAC Certification Program

Terra Mac Commons, CA

This course opened my eyes to so many triumphant mindsets that I have been working to adopt my entire life. Not only was the work easy to follow and complete, but it was also very reflective and enlightening. As a PRAC, I can't wait to share!

Talatha Sherrill, MD

I’ve met some wonderful people through this program, and it has proven to be a great fit with what I’ve been called to do within my own ministry and business as a life coach. I use many of the techniques in my practice and my clients benefit greatly. I recommend this Course very highly.

Coach Abdullah, KSA

I would highly recommend this training for anyone who wants to focus on improving their personal growth and development. Knowledge truly is power. This course helped me realize that by changing the way youthink, you can change your life!

Kellie Turley, AZ

I recommend the GB2B/BA program and the PRAC CERTIFICATION PROGRAM to anyone who wants to make an authentic, positive, permanent change in their life-- and in the lives of others.


Buffy Couch, WY

I want to thank you for this exceptional life coach training program. Your love of people, especially people who are broken, people who are looking for answers, people who are looking for help, shines through in all we learned in class.

Kelly Ervin, PA

I cannot recommend this program enough for anyone out there who is scarred, hurt, or lost. Together with your own personal coach, they will guide you through the chapters and work with you on becoming the best version of yourself and become excited about your life again. That’s what this program did for me. It helped me find my light again.

What does a PRAC teach?

As a life coach, you will address:

  • Depression/Anxiety/Stress/Panic

  • Negative Thinking Patterns

  • Poor Life Skills/Habits

  • Low-Self-Esteem/Poor Self Image

  • Financial Failure

  • Relationship Issues

  • Unhealthy Boundaries

  • Problem Solving

  • Addictive Behaviors

  • Procrastination

  • Stagnation

  • Spiritual Complacency

  • Divorce Devastation

  • Trauma

  • Grief

As a life coach, your clients will learn how to:

  • Use Quantium Thought Tools to direct their life on purpose

  • Manage Money

  • Manage Time

  • Live in Gratitude

  • Re-Write Past Trauma History

  • Overcome Procrastination

  • Discover their Life Purpose

  • Visualize and Realize Success in all areas of life

  • Become Accountable

  • Develop a Strong(er) Relationship with their God

  • Respond More Productively to Challenges and Adversity

  • Use Past Traumas to Serve Others

  • Ignite and Live Life by Design, Not by Default

  • Act and Not be Acted Upon

  • Transform Problems into Solutions, Barriers into Breakthroughs

  • Turn "I CANT" into "I CAN!" and defeats into victories


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