An inspirational quote by Lucius Annaeus Seneca over a serene mountain background, reading "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." The image features snow-covered peaks under a clear twilight sky, symbolizing challenges and the beauty of overcoming them.

Everyone Experiences Trials…

October 12, 20231 min read

Everyone experiences trials.
Everyone deals with hardships.
Everyone encounters disappointment.|
Everyone has times of sorrow, grief, and darkness.
Everyone tries and fails.

The relentless, rolling waves of life’s ebb and flow forcefully crash against the plans, desires, hopes and dreams of every single person. Life plays no favorites.

But remember:

  • the storm always stops

  • the sun always rises

  • the rainbow always comes.

You can dwell on the pain, and wallow in the grief, and live in the sorrow, and focus on the great big hole in your heart today…and for a time that is absolutely necessary as you process through it all. Even God recognizes we need time to process pain:

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

THEN… when you are ready to put it all into perspective, when you are ready to allow beauty to come from ashes, when you are ready to rise and shine again, when you are ready to thank God for the stretching, when you are ready to thank God for the lessons, when you are ready to count your many blessings, make better choices, live life a little harder, love a little deeper, and radiate a little brighter…all the while REMEMBERING….

There is a season for everything.

God said.

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